Thursday, April 21, 2011

Information Design

"DON'T MAKE THEM THINK, ENGAGE THEM" (from 'Don't Make Me Think' book cover remixed by Robin Good )is quotes for this post. I would like to share the implicit meaning of this quotes which is, firstly, 'them' refer to 'online user', don't make the user to think so much, dig out their brain out, but engage with them in very simple, yet attractive and adventurous way. The level of information received by online user is decided by the information design, how you deliver the content at the same time involved of user interaction in very effective way. that the vital goals of every site, to deliver contents to user. If u fail to deliver, its consider useless site then. Robin Good state that :-
"It is in this direction that information designers could look next: moving beyond the basic visual organization of content elements and into the realm of social simplicity where the elements information reading, contributing and exchanging are coreographed in ways to make them mutually supprtive and synergistic"

To get a shape like a body-builder, a man need to go to gym consistently, need some extra supplement, such us protein, raw eggs, in order to get desire shape. Go to gym, exercise, extra support is a strategy, doing nothing gives nothing back. To the deliver the information, we need strategy. A strategy will help you define where you are going and the most efficient, effective and economical way to get there. This is when instructional learning theories being adapt into web-based learning to deliver the information of site in very effective way. Following is example of site using learning strategy into web based learning from (given in Dr Jamalludin slide);

There are many type of learning theories with certain category, for example;
�� Drill Practice
�� Tutorial
�� Simulation
�� Games
�� Problem solving
Cognitive & Constructivisme
�� Problem based learning
�� Project based learning
�� Cooperative learning
�� Situated/Scenario based learning
�� Case based learning
�� Inquiry based learning
Simplify all will comes up as shown in the map, to see more map you can refer to this site;

As for our group, we choose problem based learning, therefore, i will share more about problem based learning aka PBL. First of all, before applied the theory, knowing the characteristic is essential to avoid from you out the way. How to make a call from public phone? first, pick up the phone, puts the coins, enter the number then push call button! if u miss of the step, you are not making a call. Same goes in applying the theories, but its not compulsory to do the step in order, at least one of the step is being apply, or else, it wont be PBL strategy! So the characteristic of PBL are;
1. Use of real world problems - problems are relevant and contextual. It is in the process of struggling with actual problems that students learn content and critical thinking skills.
2. Reliance on problems to drive the curriculum - the problems do not test skills; they assist in development of the skills themselves.
3. The problems are truly ill-structured - there is not meant to be one solution, and as new information is gathered in a reiterative process, perception of the problem, and thus the solution, changes.
4. PBL is learner-centered - learners are progressively given more responsibility for their education and become increasingly independent of the teacher for their education.
5. PBL produces independent, life-long learners - students continue to learn on their own in life and in their careers.
By referring the characteristic and other factor of PBL theory, we construct the web based learning using this strategy to deliver the content in supreme way!

Suggested Reading of learning theories;

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