Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Project Management Process & Management Team

When developing a website for educational program, web development is one thing that should be paramount. If you wish to publish a successful website, you need to lay the web development process before you even code your first page. With a right planning and foresight you will in a much better position to power your site to the top once it is built. Web development process happens in 3 phases which is(Dr. Jamalludin, 2011);-
1)Pre-production(Planning)- the analysis,planning and design,the interactive, navigation, usability, look, etc. The Who, What, Where, When, Why and By Whom of the design process and creating the blueprint or structure for the web project
2)Production (constructing)-content research, interface design,Audio&video recording, etc
3)Post-Production (Testing)- testing&evaluation, feedback from client,product revision, documentation/packaging

When we related it to ADDIE model as discussed in previous post, pre-production is described the analysis and design part; production involved of development and implement phase; lastly post-production is the evaluation phase. The contents for each phase is very similar for both. By applying this step can make the difference between a so-so site and one that rocks your socks off!

Ok, next is about web development team. Everyperson have their own skill and specific expertise field. Dividing the task based on team member expertise, will promotes higher achievement and performance on the area as teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success. The team roles and responsibilities is depends on the size of the web project. Normally, the essential role in web project is project manager, content area specialist, instructional designer, web developer/programmer, and media specialist. Following will explain more about the responsibilities of each role;

1)project manager- The project manager is the team member ultimately responsible for keeping the overall team activities focused on the site strategic objectives and agreed deliverables, and he or she continually monitors the scope of the project activities to ensure that the team stays “on time and on budget.” he is the Boss!
2)Content Area specialist - A content manager deploys reports, manages report models and data source connections, and makes decisions about how reports are used. All item-level tasks are selected by default for the Content Manager role definition. Also known as System Administrator.
3)Instructional Designer - Instructional Designers work much like architects, drawing up specifications and blueprints for a course before actual construction begins. Sometimes Instructional Designers also build what they design; in this instance, they are also the Course Developer.
4)Web Developer/Programmer - Also known as web master and should be the liaison to the team.Someone who can implement programs that integrate media elements.A successful Web master must also be familiar with the operating system, and the internet server applications that run on the server.
5)Media specialist - supplying material and resource to enrich the content of the website. they have the information power.

"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success."~Henry Ford

When a Teamwork Works!

Suggested Reading on website development team:

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